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(@174 .beats)

4.4.16 00:26 
I forgot to take a selfie with him - which might have made me the only person on this trip he didn't take a selfie with - but this one'll do. Kris knows that I had some selfish motivation behind inviting him to stay in the guest room - mostly that when I offered back in January, there WAS no guest room in this house - and I spent a good part of the intervening time moving things around (and/or "heaven and earth") to make it happen that there WOULD be a place for him by the time he arrived. It was something that NEEDED to happen in general, this thing with the house, but the truth is I'm a great procrastinator and without a good boot in the arse (Brit-ish spellin'), that room would probably still be full of somebody else's stuff as opposed to a (presumably) pretty comfy bed I'd managed to finally, completely put together with about 96 hours to spare. As he promised, all the purple he left behind washed out of the towels - the pillow cases aren't QUITE as spotless, but I consider their current look a treasured memory of his first visit to the house. I just wish he'd drunk a little more of the drinks I'm left with. (Although I suppose that means YOU could come over any time, drink anything still here AND try out the bed if you'd had too many. We'll talk.) The man leads a charmed life, but he's also happy to share his good fortune. I was very fortunate to meet a lot of beautiful people over the past two weeks thanks to just hanging around him. I have no idea if I'll see any of them ever again until the NEXT time he's here, but... ;-) He's a hustler and I firmly believe he will achieve all the success he dreams about - preferably in this country - and to the extent that I can, I'll always be happy to help. But for now, comes the inevitable letdown after all the adrenaline from all the preparation. His visit was just like Christmas - well...WrestleMania? Well...except WrestleMania wasn't so great this year, so MAYBE closer to Christmas after all? I'm not sure what I'm trying to say...except the obvious: Kris, it was a blast being one of a few hosts for you while you were here and you know you're welcome back any time. In the meantime, though...I guess I need a new project. Maybe back to the records? OH RIGHT so Mason's asked me to join him at Club Jäger Saturday between 5 and 9 for the playing of some records, and I'd love it if you could be in the room to register shock and horror at my curative choices. I'll send invites out to the locals later. But here's that photo from Transmission XV. (Oh ja Jake Friended me after that night - that's when I knew hell had frozen over...but that's another story for another time...)