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Mr. T




Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job?
For those of you that don't know, I'm an (assistant) manager for the almighty Jack in the Box. Long hours, low pay, you know the routine. I've been there for three years now. But you know what?
My job is the reason I'm here, on [slash], right now.
I kid you not. In the aftermath of the sorrowful death (for now) of the NCW3 E-Fed (sniff), I started following Wrestlemaniacs (back when it was and Rick Scaia still had SOME spine), and predictably became a big fan of our Fearless Leader's reports as well as Micasa. I followed the whole saga - the sellout, the reaction, CRZ putting the site up as a protest against the editing, and all that.
Anyways, one week I check out the recaps, and come across this in his WCW Nitro Recap for that week: "This is quite an ad break here. When you think Bootsy Collins, think DOMINO'S! THEN I hear "Ring of Fire!" Then...I fast forward because these ARE ads after all. And WHY did they decide it was a good idea to put KETCHUP on the JUMBO JACK? "
Now, I, being the MANAGER of Champions (HA!), always read the restaurant email and file anything of any note, and I just happened to remember where I stashed the official memo on the Ketchup Addition: so, I fired up Outlook Express, and sent an email to him, and I read off the "Rationale" section of the memo to him, and such. He thought that was neat, and told me he'd save it for the ever-popular I Get Letters section (STOP RECAPPING THUNDER AND START DOING LETTERS AGAIN, DARN IT!), and that was that...or so I thought.
I checked out the good 'ol Wrestleline the next week, and he decided it was cooler that even I though : he reprinted my letter in the RAW Recap for 8/23/99.
After that, I sent in my first submission: and I kid you not: It compared Sid to the flaming Pop-Tarts craze going. I run two websites now, I write for three, and my first piece, if Chris hadn't been sane enough to say no, would have been a bust the size of Texas. My detailed SD! spoilers then were my first piece, and they were well-received AND posted. :-) I redeemed myself well and by Article #8 (The Three Faces of Kayfabe), I nabbed that cool "/" thingie that Chris gives us because....well, I'm gonna say it's because WE RULE!  
That's the story. In one year, I've come from being a casual smart fan to being your [slash] hero (HA!), the webmaster of and Rant Central, and an midcard Internet personality.
What's in store for year two? Who knows? But it's been real. It's been all sorts of fun. I've enjoyed the work of Michangelo, Cyan, Marvellous Martin, Sharon, Rebecca, Jerry Root (71 ARTICLES! The Benoit II of [slash], you are, sir), Butch Rosser, Matt Spaulding, among others, for a year.
This will be (counting spoilers and recaps sent in) contribution #42 for yours truly to the [slash]. 35 articles - 3 ECW Recaps - 1 WWF Recap - and several sets of spoilers. From the fun that was T-Squared with me, Mr. T and Mini-Me, to my serious rants about the cancer angle, to my signature "Don't Quote Me on That" columns, I hope you've enjoyed my work as well.
It all started about something as silly as added ketchup to a hamburger.
Now that's a (sports) entertainment twist if I ever saw one. :-)
And......just like in year one, you *can* quote me on that. 

"Mr. T" Robert Harris (the real name? THIS IS A SHOOT, DAMMIT!)
[slash] wrestling

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