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Guest Columns

Jerry Root




Last time I mentioned a couple of things that had been on my mind. So imagine my surprise when they figured so prominently in my week.

First, I mentioned my friend Rich Boles. Right after the column was posted, I received mail from his brother saying that Rich had been in a serious accident where a drunk driver plowed into him. Rich is in the hospital, and is recovering, however it seemed a bit of a shock to me that this should follow so closely on the heels of my article.

On a brighter note, I mentioned Our So Called Sport. Well, imagine my surprise when I opened my mail yesterday and found that, much like Lazarus, OSCS has been resurrected. They are no longer an e-mail sheet, but a full blown page. I urge each of you to head over to and check it out. You won't be disappointed. Trust the old potato on this one. Welcome back OSCS!

Now, on to the dreck that professional wrestling has become. What is it with the WWF? Are they purposely trying to see how many viewers they can lose? They insult the memory of the fallen in the sport, they make a mockery of a solemn event, and then use an angle that is tasteless at best, and insulting at worst.

Death is not funny in any of it's incarnations. And if I were The Big Show, I would have told Vinnie Mac to take his angle, fold it five ways and shove it where the sun don't shine. I lost my father two years ago, and I could not imagine using his memory in any sort of angle. I just have too much respect for his memory.

But to show what was supposed to be his casket being dragged off? That was just sick. Sorry, but I still hold certain things sacred. This happens to be one of them.

Then the rape of "Stephanie". This is all whitewashed with "it wasn't really her", or "it really didn't happen". Then the ultimate "well, they're supposed to be heels. What do you expect?" I expect a bit of decorum. There is a line, and it isn't even a fine line, between heelish activity, and downright criminal behavior. This is supposed to get DX over? With who? All the adolescent boys out there who think this is what women secretly want?

Then, to have them come out and gloat about it. That was the final straw! I'm sorry, but that tore it. I have sworn off the WWF until they come to their senses and bring back some civility to the whole thing. I saw a poll on one of the sheets, asking if there was anything that the WWF could do to completely turn me off. Well, this pretty much did it.

I am sick to death of the sophomoric antics, the crap that goes on when I tune in to watch wrestling. That has become a thing of the past, overtaken by "sports entertainment". Sorry, until people like Vince Russo and people of his ilk are no longer running the asylum, I'm afraid the WWF has lost this viewer. I will try to content myself with the WCW, however I'm certain that they're heading down the same dark, rocky path that the WWF is treading.

Guess it's time to check on Indies in my area.

At least they wrestle.

Jerry Root
[slash] wrestling

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