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Guest Columns

Jerry Root




So much area to cover, yet nothing really jumps to the forefront. Nothing has that nagging quality that just bugs me until I actually get it down in front of me, and eventually in front of you.

Something that has been nibbling at the back of my mind for quite some time is the evolution of a relationship. For those of you who have been through more than one, you'll know what I mean. For those of you who are still in the early stages of relationships, consider this a roadmap to the future. You may think you know about relationships, but believe me, there's nothing like experience, and I'm nowhere near the end of the road on this.

When you first find "the one", you can't wait to be near her (and for the women who read this, please substitute "him" where appropriate). You think of her every moment, often calling her just to hear her voice.

Then, as time goes by, and the relationship goes a little deeper, things get a bit more intimate. It's fresh, exciting and you are never satisfied. Neither of you want it to end, the time spent together is magic, and you're sure it will be like this forever.

However, reality rears it's ugly head and the initial ardor eventually cools. There's an old country song that goes "It takes me all night long to do what I once did all night long". Aside from age taking it's toll, there are the kids to worry about (should you have them), outside pressures, and general ennui. It's still the same thrill you got from the first, only now some of the preliminaries are skipped, the bloom is off the rose, and you are busy finding other ways to express your love.

Like doing the dishes without being asked. Taking out the trash or doing the laundry. Even picking up after yourself.

What does this have to do with wrestling?

When I first started watching wrestling I watched it every chance I got. I had a real love affair with professional wrestling.

Then I drifted away. When I came back, it was exciting and new again, so I fell in love all over again. This ran it's course and once again it paled.

This was more-or-less my puppy-love phases. You know how it is, you get a crush on a certain person in class, or on TV, or whatever.

However, when I discovered the net, and saw that there was a whole group out here that shared my love for the sport, I fell head first in love, not only with wrestling, but with the internet fan base. I watched every moment of RAW and taped Nitro so I wouldn't miss that too.

I used to write every day for a newsletter, as well as writing 2 or 3 other columns a week for others. The wellspring was nigh inexhaustible. Or so I thought.

However, like so many other relationships, this one has mellowed, and now I watch very little. What little I do, I enjoy thoroughly. The thrill is still there, but the thrills are no longer the big ones I got at first. Now it's more the thrill I get of seeing a new wrestler who shows promise, or watching two tacticians work against each other. Yeah, I still have to put up with the dross of a Steph promo, but I take my pleasures where I can.

Above all, I realize that wrestling will always be a part of my life. I am always going to be a fan.

After all, that's what makes a relationship work. Commitment.

Jerry Root
[slash] wrestling

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