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Jerry Root



French Fries

"The night the world changed" has come and gone. A week has passed us all by, and there are some important questions to be answered.

So far I have not seen anything that shows me that this "new direction" is any great shakes. It appears to be more of the same of crap that was served up before. Instead of having the n.W.o v. the WCW, now we have the Millionaires club v. the new generation, or whatever they are calling themselves.


Pardon me, but what this is more reminiscent of when I was a kid, and two kids would be the "captains", then would choose up sides for whatever game we were playing. Only this is being done on a much larger scale.

The whole concept was that we now had two titans (if you'll pardon the irony in that word) of booking, working together. The result was going to be a huge blowout.

I just got done reading the ratings, and a surprising thing happened. Yes, the first week opened to a huge audience, which I will attribute more to curiosity than anything else. From the following Tuesday on it was incredible how many columnists were falling all over themselves reporting that this was the greatest thing to come down the pike since the sleeper hold.

A few of the saner voices out there took a "wait and see" attitude, but generally gave it a thumbs up.

This past week, starting with Spring Stampede, appears to be right back to the same ol' same ol'. The Bald Orange Goblin is back to being invincible, run-ins, interminable promos and general crap. I guess they just seem determined to try to beat the WWF at it's own game of "sports entertainment", only they want to do it half assed.

Speaking of blatant rip-offs, I was watching "The Daily Show" with John Stewart yesterday. (Originally aired Monday night at 11, but I had to go to work, so...). DDP was the featured guest, and a clip from "Ready to Rumble" (which should probably be considered a warning regarding your stomach from the reviews I've read). So, what clip do they show?

DDP is being interviewed, asked what he thinks of the main character. His response?

"He doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch".

Now, where have I heard that line before? How about GORILLA MONSOON speaking of Muhammed Ali when they were going to square off in the ring?

Or, the original lifting of that line, Hulk Hogan in "Rocky".


I guess Solomon had it righ.

"There is no new thing under the sun" - Proverbs

Jerry Root
[slash] wrestling

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