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Gregg Mixdorf




I just want to throw my thoughts onto the already polluted subject of Mick Foley and his return. First let me just say that I love Mick Foley and his work in the ring. He is one of the most endearing wrestling stars of the modern era. Nobody really comes close to matching his charisma, honest emotions, and in ring talent in today's wrestling scene. With my bias out of the way I want to get off my chest things that have been bothering me as to the return of Foley into the main event.

First and foremost anyone who didn't see this comming a mile away evidently doesn't pay much attention to the wrestling they are watching or relies on a stream of information that isn't always right. Every news website out there, and this includes the Torch, had been and continued to report the main event of Rock vs HHH until Big Show got added to the mix. Then they were all reporting that main event and then during the day before that Monday Raw they reported that Foley would be added to the mix. Now my point is that these news sources aren't very reliable when it comes to main event reporting. These past weeks regarding the Wrestle Mania main event is a telling example of when it comes to normal reporting for the other ppv's and their main events. The news guys are as much in the dark as the fans are. I beleive that they are more in the dark than just the regular fan because they need their sources to confirm their wrestling instinct before they will put out an opinion for fear of being crucified that they were wrong. Now I just a wrestling fan who paid attention to the story line saw this development comming from a long way off. It was obvious what they were doing with Foley so this being obvious I don't understand the big problem with this story line. Why is everybody up in arms over this calling Foley a liar and unethical and all this other stuff that he doesn't deserve. The man doesn't write the story, the story is given to him to act out to his best ability.

This brings me to my next point. Why are wrestlers seen by the 'smart' (and I use this term loosely) crowd, especially in this specific case, as sports figures first and actors second? Obviously wrestling takes a great amount of athletic ability but what also can't be denied is that great wrestlers need to be great actors first not necessarily great workers. Why can't we see them like this, Great actors first and foremost with a certain degree of athletic ability? If you look at the Foley's 'retirement' this way then you see a great actor playing the part that was given him by the writers of the story and not somebody who lied about retiring.

Another facet of this story that really bothers me is the attitude of the 'smart' crowd. They have a hollier than thou attitude towards anything or anybody that does something that doesn't agree with their personal view of how wrestling should be. Example of this is the 'Why Mick Why' columns around on some sites these days. I can answer this whiney question for you. Because he fucking wants too, it is going to make him happy, thi s also shows what hard work can do for somebody who people thought 'couldn't put asses into seats', and because he FUCKING HAS TOO!! The one thing I learned from the Wrestling with Shadows documentary is that you don't fuck with Vince when he wants you to do something. So lets just say that Mick was against the retirement thing in the first place (a possibility because of his comments on that canadian show). Then Vince wants to do it because it will give him a momentary boost in his popularity to superscede the Rock. The necessity to do this comes from the fact that the Rock is so over that Vince doesn't want him to win the title this year as a face but at next year's Wrestle Mania as a face either against a heel HHH or a heel Jericho or possibly both of them with another face thrown in like this years Wrestle Mania. I digress slightly, back to my point. Also Mick winning the title and then ending his career on top is also a great story line that gives the WWF good press with its fans (huge buyrate also) and more importantly with any future wrestlers they want to sign or presant wrestlers they want to keep away from any competition.

Can't we all just enjoy the great story being presented here instead of bitching about the merits of a wrestler and weather this is right or wrong of him to do just for once?

Wrestle Mania thoughts.

Now onto something a little more enjoyable to talk about Wrestle Mania! I am really looking forward to this show. Not only will their be some great wrestling on the show but their will be the greatest mark out moment of all time when Mick wins the title in an emotional fashion by pinning HHH finally to blow off their great feud this year. The Hardy's should win the tag team belts for the first time as faces, Jericho should win back the Intercontinental title wich will drive the crowd into a frenzy proving that he is worthy of main event status, and of course Rikishi and Kane should easily squash the two bumpers from DX. This is going to be a buy the numbers blow off show with all the faces going over except for Kurt Angle. He will probably retain the European title. Also if there is a battle royal for the Hardcore title expect Tazz to win it seeing as he is the most over of all the competitors going for the title, plus it would be a nice cap off to his introduction just over two months ago to get his first title at Wrestle Mania.

That is all for this time. Later in the week I might be checking in with a column. I don't know what it is going to be about so just be on the look out for it or not depending weather you liked this one or not. In a few weeks I will be checking in with a column discussing a chapter out of Sharon Mazer's book Professional Wrestling: Sport and Spectacle. The chapter I will be looking at if you have read the book is real men don't wear shirts. Also if I come across any other books or magazines with studious articles about wrestling I will be adding it in. I want to take a look at wrestling within the academia of today and see what they think of it and how they stereotype it and other stuff like that. Have a wonderfull week and enjoy Wrestle Mania!!!!

Gregg Mixdorf

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