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Jonny X




Some of you are probably reading the title of this article going, what the hell?!

Don't get me wrong, on the surface these two guys couldn't be more different. One is a meathead shootfighter from the UFC; the other is a quick-witted, 80s metal loving Canadian. One wrestles a martial arts style while the other is more a combo of mat wrestling and lucha. One wears a Speedo and the other wears pants. However, upon further investigation we can see that their careers run strikingly parallel.

Think back about three or four years when Ken Shamrock entered the WWF. His entry was highly publicized accompanied with an unprecedented amount of hype. The WWF was getting THE name in the UFC, the man who controlled the mixed martial arts world. Fans greeted his arrival with much anticipation and his arrival also meant an instant player in the upper-midcard, if not the main event. Soon thereafter, he debuted at WrestleMania as the guest referee for the most anticipated match on the card. The match came off as a classic, ending with a simultaneous face/heel turn for both men and Shamrock belly-to-bellying the newly turned Bret Hart. Instantly people think money match.

Now think back a little over a year ago to Chris Jericho's entry into the WWF. His entry was highly touted on the Internet and columnists and fans alike salivated at the possibility of Jericho finally getting the push he deserved. For Jericho was an Internet darling much like Shamrock was a UFC darling. For years columnists bitched about the fact that Jericho was stuck in mid to lower card feuds against guys like Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko despite putting on quality matches and cutting gut-busting promos. Needless to say, his arrival in the WWF was a welcome and needed change. He received extraordinary hype and after weeks of waiting, the Countdown to the Millennium finally reached zero and Jericho arrived in the WWF. His entry was incredible as he verbally sparred with the Rock in one of the funniest segments on WWF TV in a long time. Instantly people think money match.

After a few main event showcases Shamrock was pushed down to the midcard in order to build his reputation, gain some credibility through the Intercontinental Title and ultimately groom him for main-event status. He worked quality programs with the Rock, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart and others, as he appeared to ascend rapidly toward the top of the card. Fans were taken with his badass mentality, his incredible physique, and his unique arsenal. Shamrock seemed poised for a jump to the main event at any time.

After some more hilarious run-ins with more top-level talent like the Big Show, Undertaker, and Shamrock himself, Jericho was demoted to the midcard to gain some credibility and allow the fans to warm up to him. He worked quality programs with Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Chyna and others as his stock appeared to rise. Jericho mesmerized fans with his amazing work on the mic, his quality matches, and his strong work ethic. Jericho seemed ideal for a slot in the main event at any time.

So what happened next? A half-hearted main event push in late '97 and late '98. Sure Shamrock could participate in the main event at any time, but something just wasn't believable about his presence there. He was given world title matches and feuds with top-level guys like Austin, Mankind, and the Undertaker, but was never given the chance to go over any of them destroying much of his credibility. Hence, he was demoted once again to the midcard to work compelling (har har) programs with the likes of the Big Boss Man, Mr. Ass, and a really, really long program with Steve Blackman. Ultimately, his credibility was gone and an injury prevented Shamrock from wrestling anymore. But honestly, who missed him when he left?

As for Jericho, he was given a main-event program with Triple H and actually won the World Title from him only to have the decision reversed and the title reign scrapped from the record books. His program continued, however as the two fought a brutal last-man-standing match and it appeared that Jericho was in the uppercard for good. Well, in a perfect world he would have been. Yet, he was demoted a second time to work with the likes of X-Pac and Kane in pointless feuds that either started for no reason or coffee spillage. Thankfully he hasn't been injured yet (knock on wood) and hopefully his credibility won't suddenly vanish the way Shamrock's did.

The money matches: never happened. The world title reigns: non-existent. Stupid booking decisions: you betcha. Loss of credibility: oh yeah. What I ultimately hope is that the WWF doesn't forget the thunder that Jericho came in with. They have a real find in this young Canadian, yet they continue to plug him into lousy feuds over spilled coffee, which in my opinion, is only a slight step up from a "Loser Wears a Dress Match."

I make this plea to the WWF. Do not squander Chris Jericho the way you squandered Ken Shamrock. I didn't miss Shamrock when he left, and I want to miss Jericho if and when he leaves (which I hope he doesn't). I beg of you, please re-evaluate your top-level talent and see if there is a spot for Y2J. You know the Undertaker can't stick around forever. Austin has no working body parts anymore. And Rikishi? Please! Jericho will shine if you let him, so let him. Or prepare to have another never-was but should-have-been kicking around your midcard.

Remember Ken Shamrock?

Jonny X World Parody Federation

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