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This is my first column (if it gets posted) I hope it may help you out to reach a better understanding of why wrestling is real, at least partly, and how it parallels our lives and what we have to do in them to get a head in our society. It's a little off the topic of wrestling but CRZ wanted original content so hopefully this covers it...hope you don't hate it too much!

Wrestlers mimic our everyday struggles. What is a wrestler's goal? To get over, to have the crowd in the palm of their hand. If the wrestler is a bad guy then they want the crowd to boo or just generally love to see the guy lose. A good guy on the other hand is the guy the crowd wants to cheer for and win. Getting your character over is the main point (which is taught in Being a Smart 101) which brings me to the everyday person. They want to get over also...just they aren't doing it for the same reasons...the everyday person is doing it for image, friends, to get laid, whatever the reason people try to get over in everyday life. Lets pretend that you have a job interview...Okay so you get dressed up nice shirt shoes the works, when the interviewer asks you questions like what your hobbies are you'll probably make up some bullshit stuff that you think they'll want to hear like "in my free time I like to practice flipping burgers, cleaning and singing the Big Mac song". When in reality the only thing you practice is pulling slide carbs, scraping resin, and searching your floor for that half hit you dropped two months ago (fucking shag carpet)... This would put you over just not in a good way. What if Steve Austin had a interview where he showed you all of his beany baby collection...I think that may turn him heel, it sure would be funny though, but his image would be completely different to you.

WRESTLING IS REAL sure the action is scripted but the rest of it is just like going to a job interview or if that did not convince you how about this, it's like your image. Why do you were the cloths you do? Because you're a tool! But other than that its because you are trying to convince others of who you are. like why the hell would you wear all black in the summer? Easy because your goth and your whole world is this dark gloomy place that only you get so you wear black because you want other people to know your into goth or why do you where FUBU because you are a hard core ghetto G straight from da hood. You want to associate with others of your type sort of like a personal ads. That's why Austin drinks cheap beer to fit in with the white trashers out there...I heard he has a boss, red 86 IROC and a dog named skeeter (R.I.P.Bill) its all for his image to "make friends" with you like you want to make friends and if you don't want friends you obviously do stuff to make others not want to hang out with you similar to a heel (want to get a stupid bitch off the phone? tell her your to busy watching tv and can't concentrate on two things so you have to go. JELVIS tested JELVIS approved it works!). So the next time you have some one tell you wrestling is fake tell them "Bullshit! Goldberg could kick your ass" and if that doesn't work tell them what I told you if you understand Wrestlers have to make friends or enemies of the crowd, portray what they think the people will want to see. We do this in our everyday lives for friends, jobs, or to convince someone to float us a QP the skills we learn from wrestlers can be a valuable lesson in getting ahead in life.


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