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Travis Fury




Hi. Me, again. After the rousing response from my first piece (one letter! from a CHICK, no less!), I decided to contribute once more. It's amazing what kinds of things occur to you at like, 4 in the morning....

I was watching the replay of Nitro (cuz I go OUT at night, hahaha), when the N.W.O./Harlem Heat segment ran. And all I could think was "why do they keep this up?" "This", of course, means the N.W.O.

Also known as "three guys, two of them wrestlers, who don't really serve any purpose." Before I start on this, I have a confession:
I think Adams, Horace and Norton are kinda cool. Under different circumstances, they would be a decent tag-team/mini stable. Instead, they hang out with Vincent. Well, except Bryan Adams. He received the "Curt Hennig-style beatdown for no apparent reason" and was expelled from the N.W.O. And then he climbed into KISS' limo. And kissed his self respect good bye. To put it in to perspective, *Dale Tolberg* was originally slated to have to be the KISS wrassler. Twenty "obscure" points if you know who the hell Dale Tolborg is. But, I digress.

So now the N.W.O. consists of Norton and Horace. And Vincent. But, of course, they STILL HAVEN'T BROKEN UP! CRZ commented in his column that they're kept around for the sake of t-shirt sales. Actually, the only N.W.O. cra-er...merchandise I ever see is Wolfpac stuff or the inexplicable "Van Hammer" model N.W.O. shirt (as modeled by the random stoned guy in the "Thunder Road Report" spots).

The N.W.O. was cool...TWO YEARS AGO. Now they've sunk BELOW the level of "comic relief". So why keep the N.W.O. name alive? Is it the cool music (haha)? Is it to keep a guy as popular as Vincent on T.V. (haha)? To be honest, I think it's more simple than that- they don't know what else to do with it.

It's like the "Hummer" thing. Go to Scott Steiner's webpage. The author there claims that our favorite oft-mentioned, rarely seen steroid user was slated to have been the Hummer driver, but was prevented from working by "back injuries" (aka jail time). So, what did WCW do? They brought out fake Sting (all the way from "Mike Rotundo land") right before the pay-per-view...and then DROPPED THE WHOLE THING, with no further explanation.

Savage (ALSO a waste of space) mentioned the "Hummer" thing again recently...and then DROPPED THE WHOLE THING, with no further explanation.

Good thinking.

Suggestion to WCW- if you start an angle, and hype it up- FINISH IT. And if an angle isn't working, KILL IT. I guess Terry "da Roostah" Taylor was the only guy around there who understood that concept. When he left he must have taken Alexandra York's laptop with him, thus leaving the WCW bookers confused and without direction (how's THAT for obscure?). It's a simple premise. Finish what you start, and don't kill angles by "forgetting" them.

Maybe they ought to get the guy who wrote that Sprite commercial with Sting to do the booking...because that commercial makes WAAAAY more sense than than the last hour of Nitro (not to mention it contains alot more actual WRESTLING).

Somebody (a GIRL!) sent me an email saying that the WCW planned to axe the "Deadpool" because they were over as faces, and were supposed to be heels.

So, lemme get this straight:
The fans go nuts for a stable, chant their names, and buy their merchandise- so you break them up.
The fans are indifferent to a stable with no members- so you keep them together.

I'll reiterate what others have said- when Jericho appeared on Raw, you better believe that alot of guys (Norton, Disco, Adams...) were making phone calls about northbound plane tickets.

WCW is starting to remind me of a movie called "Lobsterman from Mars". The plot- a bankrupt studio owner hires a young kid to write a crappy script that will cost the studio millions of dollars, so that the studio can write it all off on their taxes. It almost seems like Turner wants the WCW run into the ground and report it as a loss. He's hired the right people for such a project, that's for sure.

Meanwhile, guys like Norton and Adams suffer in go-nowhere angles and goofy stables. And it's a damned shame.

Leaving for Seattle Thursday.
Cheers, be safe.

Travis Fury

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