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Dennis Dubay



Crash TV and the birth of end

And the Mountie locks up with Hercule's.....Remember when wrestling was a comic book of live action? When we had stars named "Hercules", "Warlord", "Barbarian" and so on and so forth?

Remember how we mocked the sport that created more fantasy then It did wrestling?

Then came Crash TV. It popped the cherry of reality. Before, he was known as Razor he simply is dubbed by his real name...HIS REAL NAME! Scott Hall isnt a cartoon character in the land of oz anymore?

Hogan became bored with fantasy, and grew a beard..he's HOLLYWOOD now baby..yeah!

But It's still not good enough for us, is it?

Out of all the sports in the US, Pro-Wrestling is by far the most popular. That's a fact. Everyday, with the exception of Tuesday's, Pro-Wrestling is on prime time telivison. And with the ever growing hours of pro-wrestling; fan's are becoming more and more critical.

I don't even ask what you thought of the last PPV. I already know the answers. To much wrestling...not enough wrestling. The Jim Ross angle is outrage...The Jim Ross angle is angle ever...outstanding.

Just proves, that pro-wrestling has one of the most diverse culture of fans. And that's what make's writing this column great. I get to reach the masses of asses, and then the brilliant genius's.

What I don't understand though, Is, why Is wrestling dying?

Have we reached that final stage? Sure, wrestling will ALWAYS be around in some form or manner. We'll always have the weekend warriors. We'll always have the back yard feds..but eventually, the 8:00 time slot will fall from grace, and old re-runs of Mr. Belvadere will replace "crotch chopping good fun".

Who's to blame?

More so, what's to blame? Easy- The Internet. Before the Internet, smarts and marks lived in seperate worlds, where there was no problems. But then WORLDS COLLIDE! It started slowly, but has kicked in hard with WCW becoming SMART. Will we ever be able to go back to the days of kayfabe?


Sure, It was cool the first time I seen Eric Bischoff talk about Vince McMahon. It was something new, something revolutionary. Something that foreshadowed the end of an era..when creativity was stifled...when writers block cemented inside the heads of all involved.

Crash TV helped for a while...

But then, we realized something..Reality Sucks. We yearn for the day the Warrior runs down the aisle, and save's Hulk Hogan from the grip's of Heeldom.

The Stinger, blonde hair and all fighting off 3 members of the Horseman, while Lex Luger has Ric Flair in the rack....

The Brookly Brawler vs. Bad News Brown...ok..we don't want we?

Dennis Dubay
My Wrestling Zone

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