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Dennis Dubay




Not too long ago, he did. Now, he's based his life on revenge and allegations. Being world champion is secondary. Now, he'd rather cry. But, believe it or not, there was a time when he did act like a champion. A time, when he dug deep inside, and wouldn't quit. When he fought inside the ring for something he loved, or respected, or desired.

Now, he visits Howard Stern, and calls Vince McMahon a homosexual. Now, he claims he see's his brother in-law frolicking in feces. Now, he's a bitter man, in a sport that's ready to spit him out.

But this wasn't always the case. At one time, Bret Hart was a world champion. He was loved by his fans here in America. He was a hero, a rolemodel, an Icon.

Then he signed a 20 year contract.

Every fan that's reading this column, knows of the past, and what happened to Bret Hart. I would imagine, many of you watched the movie "Wrestling with Shadows." And, I myself, feel some sympathy for Bret Hart the human being. It's never easy, losing a family member, but it happens.

When I was 10, My sister Templa died in a car accident. It was on February 24th. A week later, March 1st, She passed away. March 1st, incidentally, was my Parents 10th anniversary.

The thing about her death, is that it wasn't her fault. It was foggy and snowy outside. She was 16 years old, and was still getting used to driving in the winter. Another driver, hit a patch of black ice, and hit her head on. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and was thrown out of her car, but she didn't die. She fought.

Thats a champion.

I understand, the way Owen died was tragic. Most deaths are. I'm not berating Owen, or Bret for loving Owen. I understand the rage and frustration inside of what's inside Bret. I've been there, I've done that. It doesn't help.

I know what Bret Hart is dealing with. There's only one thing you can do. And thats never forget the past.. Live your life not bitterly wishing they're still alive, but remembering what great times were had in the past.

Sure, Bret, you got screwed in Montreal. You got stabbed in the back by a man you called a friend. It's called life.

Things have a way of coming back and haunting those people who've done wrong in the past. Its called bad Karma. Going on Howard Stern and calling McMahon a homosexual isn't going to erase the memory of Montreal or bring your brother, Owen back.

Picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and continuing down the road you started long before Montreal, showing Vince you are the excellence of execution will be the only way you make Vince McMahon realize the wrong he did.

And only then, will you have piece.

Dennis Dubay
My Wrestling Zone

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