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Guest Columns

Shawn Colton




Fourteen years ago I began my obsession with professional wrestling. I was a fan of the product. I marked out big time. Ignorance is bliss. One year ago today an IBM 300GL in conjuction with America Online took my ignorant bliss out behind the seven eleven and put a cap in it's ass.

I'm sure it's a common story. I'm not really bemoaning the fact that I lost my markish innocence. After all " knowledge is power " and all that. Not to mention that I didn't even start to watch wrestling until 1985, which oddly coincides with the time I began to vote and legally by cigarettes and Playboy. ( That's a whole other story there. Who, by the time they turn eighteen, isn't over the novelty of a hacking cough and locking the bathroom door and moved on to more ummmm....extreme proclivities. ). It never even occured to me that Pro Wrestling was anything more than a ballet of brutality but I allowed myself a far greater suspension of disbelief before I read my first Wrestlemaniacs column.

Firstly, the availabilty and speed of information beat the living crap out of my PWI subscription with it's three month old news. Gone was even the slightest hint of Kayfabe tinged journalism. I had no idea who the hell Dave Metzler was ,or maybe this transition would have gone smoother. I did have ML Curly to read ,being that I live in Michigan ,so I guess I wasn't completely in the dark. But still it was staggering the way they blew the lid off all convention. And speaking of convention....

I should have known it was at least possible. I had seen it happen with the comic book community, the Trekkers, and the rock'n'roll afficianados. I guess I was foolish to think it wasn't happening with wrestling. It never crossed my mind that the phrases " Professional Wrestling" and " intellectual conceit " would be uttered in the same sentence, and yet here I type them side by side. Workrate fans proclaiming in vehemence like the comic geek on the Simpsons " Worst RAW ever ! ". Blown spots, junk matches, no selling. I never noticed them until now, I just thought they were part of the story .

Somewhere along the line somebody decided to take this stuff too seriously and so I guess I have a mission statement if my columns ever see " print ". Perhaps I can bring back some of the magic that Santa Claus gave us before we became Santa Claus. If ya smell what I'm cooking.

On a side note I'd like to thank a couple people for giving me enough nerve to write this thing. Dennis Dubay....who * still * is in touch with what brought me to love wrestling. The guy is passionate about his writing and his wrestling. Read him here ! Plus anyone who irritates Bob Ryder is a helluva guy in my book. Cyan Indigo, also a contributor. She may have perfect breast but it's her wit and insight that remain her two greatest assets as far as * I'm * concerned

Oh yeah , and CRZ rules.

Until next time, if there is one, I am my inner child.

Shawn Colton

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