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Eddie Burkett




HHH vs. the World

I'm feeling alone these days. No, it has nothing to do with the fact that Ron Kuby, the only true source of inspiration on the radio, is on sabbatical for a month. Instead this has to do with the fact that out of all you people out there - primarily on CRZ's fine web page here - I'm the only one who thinks that HHH can main event a PPV - let alone a Summerslam - and possibly walk out the winner. Why am I so nuts? Must be those headshots I took as a kid...

First off, there's the claim HHH lacks the talent needed. To this, I say, well, what about his matches with the Rock: 2 outta 3 falls match, ladder match, I quit match, cage match, strap match, etc.? Granted, he had the Rock to help him, these have all been entertaining matches, with the ladder, cage, and I quit matches at the top of my list. (As for assertions that the Rock can't win, I just think that all his jobbing right now is for him to pay off his early championships, and he'll be champ again someday. I understand the comparison, but he most certainly is NOT David Flair.) However, people also claim that as great as the Rock is on the mic, that he has no skills. In fact, I have heard that most of the top WWF stars do not have sufficient wrestling skills. While people praise the Hardyz, the Brood, Kane, Shamrock, and Mankind, among others, main eventers like the Undertaker, the Rock, HHH, the Big Show, and even Austin himself are criticized as having too little skill. I will admit to expecting a little more out of Austin and the Rock at WMXV myself, but I think the foundations for these criticisms come from today's wrestling trends. Fans have gravitated towards quick, hardcore styled brawling matches, with high spots, and away from traditional wrestling. Anyone who thinks that Austin lacks wrestling skills, just look at his work four or more years ago in WCW and ECW. He can do it; he just hasn't had the real opportunity to showcase it.

But I digress. The issue here is HHH's talent, not Austin's, his opponent's; and granted, there have been cases of one man being talented enough to take a less talented worker and make him amazing in the ring (see Ric Flair vs. just about anyone,) that does not justify pushing just anyone to face said man. While it may not be evident what HHH is truly capable of, he aforementioned work with the Rock, as well as Mankind and Kane, prove he is more than capable of putting on an entertaining match within a PPV frame.

Additionally, since HHH fought Rock so often, and has often been compared to the Rock, if the Rock is a main eventer, why not HHH? Simple, I hear. Mic work. HHH repeats himself, and has no charisma. But where were you people criticizing his charisma the night after WMXIV when he put together a new DX from virtually thin air. Where were you nay-sayers when he played the Crock to DX's Nation? And did the crowd not go nuts when, the Monday before Summerslam, HHH ran out after being held in the locker room, cleared out Taka and Val, and told Rocky that at summerslame, he would BE HIS BITCH!!!! I'll admit, his interviews since turning heel have left a bit to be desired. He really played the degenerate role well, and I don't think his greedy, selfish heel gimmick is quite what he needs, but that's an issue of gimmick, not of charisma. This man has gone toe to toe on the mic with the Rock and with Shawn Micheals. In passing those tests, this man need not be questioned.

Finally, I think HHH has the history to carry the belt off of Steve Austin. Austin won the belt from fellow DX member Shawn at WMXIV, and has only lost it through devious plans from Vince McMahon. I think if the time were to come for Austin to legitimately job to a regular person, this is it. Austin was the first person to cleanly pin Shawn Michaels to claim the belt from him, its only fair the man who at one time was considered Shawn's sidekick and protege step up to the plate and claim the title from that man. Hell, regarding the whole MSG incident, and Austin's claim that he got the shot because "somebody screwed up," with that somebody being HHH, only add to why HHH deserves to beat Austin. Austin was lucky enough to be standing there when HHH's spotlight opened up, and he made more of it than anyone could have imagined. Now the time has come for HHH to reclaim what was rightfully his, and take that spotlight for himself.

So you still say that Hunter Hearst Helmsley does not deserve to face Austin at the top of the Summerslam card? I say hogwash, but I think Helmsley himself would once have said, "Suck it!" Now, he'll probably just bash you in with a sledgehammer.

Eddie Burkett

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