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Sharon Austin




Greetings sports entertainment fans-I'm SO psyched! I got letters-whoo hoo!! And I want everyone to know I appreciate them so keep 'em coming, OK? ( I know I'm getting ahead of myself, I'll calm down now) Anyway-here's a few:

Glad to know I'm not the only one checking Calloway's knuckles for "love" and "hate"....mostly so I can yell "And all the shit in between!"
Chris in Oregon
If you didn't know, I was referring to the 'Eddie' character (played by Meat Loaf) in 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. Hail Chris! I told him he won nothing except a column mention....cuz I'm poor and I'm keeping ALL my WWF & ECW figures to myself! Btw, Chris, you notice he keeps those fingerless gloves on so he may have those knuckles tattooed!

I caught your column on [slash] and subsequentially that vague reference directed at Michaelangelo. Just letting you know that I'm passing it along to him via mail, and I'm sure he'll like it. Trust me, the more attention people throw at him, the more likely he'll come back sooner.
Cyan Indigo

Cyan is just too cool. And I really wish Michelangelo would return soon. So everyone go look up his address in the archives and let him know you miss him. Tell him I stole his gimmick! That should bring him back quickly!

A Devils reference and an NSync mention...I may have to stop reading your stuff, you realize. Next thing you'll be saying that Hogan probably does deserve a title shot...
Todd Thomas
Todd's another cool guy-a very intelligent wrestling fan too. And I gave him permission to come to New Jersey and shoot me if I ever wrote those words about Hogan. You all have the same deal, OK?

You are Damn Right, and Ken, Viscera and Mr.Ass are not the only ones... Owen Hart (R.I.P.) and of course, the FIRST KING OF THE RING: BRET "The Hitman" HART. But of course they can't talk about Owen because that Lawsuit and Bret, well you know, Bret is Evil.
Jose Galindo
En ESPAŅOL - Music - Comics - Wrestling - Sports - Girls - En ESPAŅOL

I enjoyed this email because Bret IS's true, it's true! So go visit Jose's page!

And in reference to my EdgeII on Russo:
Ha, I agree completely. I think he's horrible as a writer. Tonight's show (what 10 minutes I saw of it) looked better without him.
Clyde Ford
Clyde also enjoyed my MST3K reference so thank you, Clyde!

And last but by no means least-
My complaint with Russo is that whenever someone in power challenges his booking style, instead of listening to the critism that one has to him, he gets angry with it and threatens to leave. Imagine how many people have second guessed the ideas that McMahon, Heyman and even Bischoff have had, but they don't threaten to quit whenever a few people question their ideas. I think Russo is overrated and believes the hype that people give him when he came to WCW.
Ryan Mancuso
Truer words never written, Ryan-who is the biggest Masata Tanaka mark in Louisiana-he told me so .And this dear sweet young man sent me a tape of excellent wrestling matches for, and I quote: "appreciation for all the good articles you write" *sniff* Oh, Ryan *wiping tears* Excuse me, I'm farklempt-here's a subject: 'After all those scathing articles Russo wrote on Eric Bischoff & WCW in the WWF magazines, how do you think his first meeting with Eric went?' Discuss among yourselves. (Another vague reference!)

Imagine if you threatened to leave every time your boss questioned you-my guess is you'd be collecting unemployment about now. And 'overrated' is definitely the word for Russo! I've heard good things about this week's Nitro-maybe Vince should stop trying to be top dog so much and work with this booking team. I think the dumping of G.I. Bro earned unanimous praise all by itself. And I hear there were no run-ins! Top that off with Lance Storm's debut AND the return of the Yung Dragons with 3 Count-sounds like I missed a good one! I'll have to catch the Saturday recap show. ( Hey I'm willing to watch ANY good wrestling, no matter what company it is)

Which brings me to ECW-what the hell was TNN doing squeezing the pin into a tiny box in the corner so I could look at a painted face fool?! Are they shoving Paul E. out the door or what? How bloody awful! Cheeky devils! Oh my, I'm going all British-must be the company I keep! *wink wink nudge nudge say no more!* OK, I'll leave it out now. Back to the topic at hand.

Can I just say I SO love Edge and Christian? I came to the conclusion that they are the Bill & Ted of the WWF and that's not a bad thing. I really loved Christian last week saying how 'Chicago blows' although I would never call Oprah or Roger Ebert 'ugly'- They're two of my favorite people.

Anyway-I had to laugh at CRZ's RAW recap on the subject of Xpuke's match-true, he NEVER jobs in singles matches. And I'm still disgusted at Malenko losing but if Benoit had lost too I would've gone postal! Btw, what the hell is UP with Tori? What is this shaking hair thing? She comes out, throws her head back and shakes it-REPEATEDLY. HEY! STOP IT! IT'S ANNOYING!!!! I really hope she is SO getting wood this Sunday!

Oh that's right there is a PPV this Sunday! Let's look at the matches:

The Dudleys vs. Xpac & Road Dogg w/Tori- I've really hated how the Duds have constantly been on the losing end with these 2 match stick men so I'm looking for retribution to be served up with X-puke & Choad Dogg going in the dumpster and Tori through a table-PLEASE!!!!

Kane, Rock & UT vs. The McMahons & HHH- I've read a rumor of Kane turning heel but in light of what the Corporation & DX have done to him in the past-WHY would he help them? Oh that's right, I'm looking at this logically, which is wrong. I mean the Stooges are still helping Vince, despite what he's done to them in the past; Test is helping Steph & HHH albeit under protest and Dean Malenko has ho's. That's just not right! I'm not sure how but I know the heels will win just so HHH can face Kurt Angle who will become KOTR.

I was betting that Chris Benoit would emerge victorious at this PPV, but with putting Kurt in with Stephanie, helping her in her last match and the way they carried on afterwards, Angle just might be the winner. That'll put him against HHH and maybe destroy the McMahon-Helmsley era. Or let's hope so. Like I've said previously, I understand everyone complaining about the 'staleness' of the WWF but the undercard is great and I just enjoy their roster.

CRZ, you're so mean to Rocky! *sniff* (Trust me, he ain't losin' any sleep over it :) - CRZ)

Until next time..................
First Lady of the Oracles
[slash] wrestling

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